
IMG 20170924 192136 975  View from our deck IMG 20170924 192151 337  Loving room and kitchen IMG 20170925 175257 062  The Boatyard is one of our favorite restaurants IMG 20170925 175343 883
IMG 20170925 175413 509 IMG 20170925 175448 486  Carole liked this little boat IMG 20170925 175547 873  This is a steam powered boat P9260001
P9260002  The staff  does a welcoming ceremony at opening P9260003 P9260004 P9260005
P9260006 P9260007 P9260008  Hidden Mini Mouse IMG 20170925 142106 157
P9260009 IMG 20170925 142137 229 P9260010 P9260011  Growing Mickey pumpkins
P9270015  Avatar drummer IMG 20170926 104247 451  Bob got to pound a stick IMG 20170926 120544 844  Bob in the Yak and  Yeti P9270012  Avatar floating mountain
P9270017  Komodo dragon P9270019 P9270022 P9270024
P9270025 P9270026  Bats on Asia walk P9270027 P9270028  The tigers wee taking a break
P9270031  Egyptian crocodiles P9270032 P9270033 P9270034
P9270035  Giiraffe P9270037 P9270038 P9270039
IMG 20170926 134930 866  Bull elephant P9270040  Elephant herd IMG 20170926 135235 530 P9270041  The baby elepant
P9270042 P9270043  Baby elepahant again P9270044 P9270045  Cheetah
P9270046 P9270048 P9270049  White rhino P9270050  Zebra
P9270051  Backstage tour IMG 20170926 151250 894 P9270052 P9270053  The baby was in the center
IMG 20170926 151355 668 IMG 20170926 152841  The herd matriarch IMG 20170926 154106 168 IMG 20170926 153004  Another elephant and her son
P9280054  Downtown Disney store P9280055  Lego Woodey and Buzz Lightyear P9290056  Prime Time Cafe P9300058  Magic Kingdom
P9300059 P9300061  Astro ride IMG 20170929 100312 048 P9300063  Chandilier in a new restaurant we found
P9300066  Pirates training P9300068  Our stone at the entrance to the Magic Kingdom PA010071  Animations in the Rainforest Cafe PA010072
PA010073 PA010074 PA010075  Ant eater PA010077